GPSMapEdit Fix 10

Software information


Demo (Free to try)


09 Feb 2016


Software Screenshots

Size: 3.2 GB

Downloads: 20303

Platform: Windows (All Versions)

Review by Frederick Barton (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 13 Feb 2013

A GPS device may not contain certain information or it may take you on a longer route. If you want to mark specific locations or try a new hiking route, you can import your device's files into GPSMapEdit and edit them. The software allows you to add waypoints on your maps, create routes, highlight landmarks and more.

You can use GPSMapEdit on Windows 2000 and any later edition, up to Windows 7. The software is not free, but you can evaluate it, for a limited time period, without encountering any restricted functions. Installing GPSMapEdit is not difficult and you can choose to download and install an additional feature, during the same process, if you want support for raster files.

GPSMapEdit supports a broad range of file formats, for maps, waypoints and more. You can load your files like in any other application or import them from various GPS devices. Once a map is loaded, you will be able to place new waypoints and mark them as points of interest, like cities, resting sites, airports and others. You can also connect your points to create routes and mark them as roads, highways or other road types.

When a file is loaded, you can select one of the options, on the program's toolbar, to display a Google-powered map on the background. This can make it much easier to plan your routes. Furthermore, the software will automatically place your loaded maps or waypoints in the corresponding position, on the Google map. If a route is placed incorrectly, you can move it without any difficulties, with the appropriate tools, located on the toolbar.

The software includes many more features, which you may find useful. You can generate a list of waypoints and routes, view statistics and other details for individual items, on tabbed properties windows and more.

You can import maps from GPS devices and edit them. The software allows you to add waypoints, connect them to form routes or mark them as points of interest. A Google-powered map can be displayed in the background, making it easier to plan a route.

The large number of options may intimidate first time users.

If your GPS device does not contain the information you need, you can add it yourself with GPSMapEdit.

GPSMapEdit Fix 10


GPSMapEdit Awards

GPSMapEdit Editor’s Review Rating

GPSMapEdit has been reviewed by Frederick Barton on 13 Feb 2013. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated GPSMapEdit 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential


out of 5